Posts Tagged ‘stewardship’

Minister Beyond the Grave

April 5, 2013

We have just celebrated Resurrection Sunday, which proclaims Jesus Christ’s victory over sin and the grave. Because of His victory, we know that the end of this life is not the end. Hallelujah!
Life passes so quickly. By the time we figure out its mission and what really matters, the sun is setting on our earthly existence. Our choices to live for God make a difference in our world (praying, serving, giving, etc.). Participation in and support of your local church matters and makes a difference both while you live and also beyond your life.
Your testimony does not end with your eulogy. How you lived should matter to loved ones left behind. Hopefully, many people will remember your words and acts of Christian love. Traditionally, we have thought of passing on our “treasures” through our last will and testament (a will). However, 70% of Americans have not made a will, blindly relying on the state’s will to suffice. For Christians, a will speaks beyond the grave of who & what was important to you.
Would you like to give more to Christian causes though trusts than the sum of your giving in all your life (with an even greater benefits your family)? What if I could show you have to give away your estate two times (legally) and gain tax benefits for yourself now (OR establish a continual fund for a ministry)?
One does not have to be wealthy to have a great impact to advance Christian causes beyond your lifetime. You can minister beyond the grave, but will you?